Meet LBF

The Meet LBF Presentation is an in-depth look into God’s work here at Life Bible Fellowship Church, through the lens of 3 separate classes.

These classes are also your pathway to membership at LBF Church.

The goal of these classes is to provide you with a meaningful summary of the ministries here at LBF, the theology and doctrine here at LBF, and the stakes of Membership here at LBF.

Upon completion of the Meet LBF program, you will be presented with the LBF Church membership commitment.

You may also choose to attend simply to learn more about LBF Church. If that’s your hope, you are more than welcome to attend.


Meet LBF 1 – Meet The Team

February 23, 12:30 p.m. 

Our first meeting is a great time to be introduced to the pastors. You will hear about their ministries and get time to hear their story and share your own. Lunch is provided after 3rd service. Child care is also provided if needed.

Meet LBF 2- Deeper with Pastor Dan

March 9, 6:30 p.m.

During this time you will get a deeper dive into the beliefs and doctrine of LBF lead by Pastor Dan. Light refreshments will be served and child care is provided.

Meet LBF 3-  Membership

March 23, 6:30 p.m.

Prior to this class you will need to take the Spiritual Assessment, and bring the results with you. This will be a time the elders will go through your spiritual assessment and help you find your place at LBF Church. This is the final step that you will take to make the commitment to be a member. Light refreshments and child care are provided.