Reflections on 2021

Life Bible Fellowship Church


Hey everybody,


The year 2020 had a title all its own. I can’t count the number of times I heard the word “unprecedented.” I think that was a good word for 2020. But what about 2021? What words come to your mind? For me, it was “rebuilding.” The impact that living during the pandemic created a need for our church to rebuild. One major area of rebuilding was and still is our volunteer base. 


Many of us had built new habits of staying home instead of going to church and serving as we did prior to the COVID pandemic. And quite frankly it’s taking a while longer for LBF to be the church it was before COVID. But even after saying that God has been faithful and has used our church to reach into lives and help people see Jesus.


For example, during 2021…


  • You welcomed 161 people as first guests to LBF
  • You celebrated 39 new people as members.
  • You embraced 67 people who received Jesus as Savior and Lord
  • You witnessed 41 baptisms
  • You were part of re-establishing LIFE Groups with 665 people participating
  • You made a lasting impact on 140 pre-school and elementary school kids through LifeKids Ministry.
  • You served as 200 children enjoyed VBS
  • You encouraged 90 women to attend our Women’s Retreat
  • You supported 76 Exit 83 students as they attended Rock the Boat
  • You made it possible for 80 students to attend Exit 83 on Wednesday nights
  • You served at the Upland Community Resource Center to help those in need.
  • You made it possible to start a new College-age ministry.


That is just a glimpse of how God has been rebuilding our church. Thank you for inviting, attending, serving, giving, volunteering and connecting in 2021!


I know I’m looking forward to 2022 as a year where we will make an even greater impact for the name of Jesus. This is something that as you serve and give will make an eternal difference in the lives of others.


See you through this next year as we continue to grow in our passionate pursuit of Jesus.


Gary Keith

Lead Pastor

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