Living in southern California there are many opportunities to do things on Sundays other than go to church. You might head to the beach or to the mountains. You might have your kids involved in sports with games or competitions on a Sunday.
After a busy week, you might just want some down time to recoup and get ready for Monday.
My guess is that most people who miss a Sunday probably think it’s no big deal. It’s not a sin (that’s true). It’s not earth shattering (Or is it?). No one notices (or do they?).
Let me suggest that when people miss a Sunday, they miss way more than they may think.
People who skip a Sunday morning miss uninterrupted time to listen for God’s wisdom. Sunday’s practical teaching from the Bible translates into godly wisdom that people can apply to their daily life.
We live in a world system that is hostile to godly wisdom and spending time listening and responding to spiritual teaching is so essential.
It’s true that people can hear great teaching in a variety of ways. But listening online is different than listening in the service. I don’t know about you, but when I listen to messages online there are interruptions. I almost never absorb the message in the same way as I do when I’m physically there.
When I’m in the service, I have uninterrupted time. Time to focus on what God is teaching me.
Secondly, when people skip a Sunday morning they miss the value of worshipping God with others. There is something intangible that happens when we worship God—out loud—with hundreds of people who share faith in Jesus.
Sundays are an irreplaceable opportunity to take a step back from the business of our everyday lives and directly give our devotion to God.
When we gather and sing and give praise to God or sing to declare a message of devotion to God, it connects us to our creator in a way nothing else can. That’s why we sing together—to offer God our words of devotion and love.
Lastly, if I miss Sunday I miss the power and movement of the church as a community. Coming together with others who believe the same way lifts us up in positive ways to live for Jesus—to hang in there when we may feel like it isn’t worth it.
Picture this–let’s say your life is like a small stream of water. This stream of water twists and turns and meanders down a path of least resistance. It’s beautiful – but it has very little strength. But what happens when you cross paths with another stream of water, and another, and another? Something bigger starts to happen, something that small stream can’t do on its own.
Momentum happens—then power happens. In the same way, when hundred’s of people come together moving in the same God-given direction it is powerful. But it can’t happen if we’re not there.
When I miss Sunday mornings, I miss the opportunity to be part of that community as I serve the needs of the church and the people who come.
I’m not sure if you’ve ever thought about Sunday morning this way, but I know when I’m not there I miss being part of the movement of God’s work at LBF.
Gathering together as a community of believers is an irreplaceable part of our Christian life. It’s immensely important for your spiritual health.