Women’s Ministry at Life Bible Fellowship Church


Let’s grow together

There are a variety of groups that meet throughout the year. Look through and find a group that fits you and your life stage.

Women’s: Monday Bible Study

Monday Morning Bible Study

Mondays 10-11:30 a.m.

Meets in The Garage
Open to everyone
Material cost of $15.00
Childcare available if requirements are met.
Cost will be $60 for 1 Child, $90 for 2 Children, $110 for 3 or more Children.

Monday Night Bible Study

Mondays 6:30 – 8pm

Meets in The Garage
Open to everyone
Material cost of $15.00
Childcare available if requirements are met.
Cost will be $60 for 1 Child, $90 for 2 Children, $110 for 3 or more Children.

Starts January 6, 2025 for 11 sessions
Studying Lamentations, by the Daily Grace Co.

Quest for Quiet Time

Mondays, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Location: Room 104.

In this action-addicted world, few of us take the time to sit quietly before Jesus. Join us as we spend time studying His word and leaving a part of each day to … “be still and know that He is God”. This group is a great way to connect with other women and grow stronger in your relationship with the Lord.  This is an open group that you can join at any time when in session.

Mom to Mom

Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 9:00 – 11:15 a.m.

Location: The Garage

For mothers of children ages 0 through Kindergarten.  Mom to Mom is a community that offers friendship, encouragement, fun, and fellowship.

God’s Design for Women

Thursdays, 9 – 11 a.m.
Location: Room 103

Women of all ages working together to better understand God.

They will be going through the study called “Walking by Faith” by Jennifer Rothschild.

Next session begins September 19

Widow’s Support Group

1st and 3rd Monday 11:15 a.m.
Meets at various restaurants 

For women who have experienced this unique loss. This group meets for lunch and a time of fellowship and encouragement. If you are newly widowed, feel free to sign up. Leader is willing to meet with you alone if needed.

Cards Ministry

Wednesday, 2nd and 4th of each month.  10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Location: Room 105

The card ministry makes beautiful cards that go out to church members, children’s hospitals, senior home, and our military troops. there’s nothing nicer than receiving a handmade card made with love. No Creative experience is necessary. All supplies are provided.


The LAMBS are a group of senior women who have experienced a lot of life, they’ve raised their families, and now are enjoying this after midlife season.
They are an email-based women’s group that provides encouragement, prayer and friendship.  Women gather twice a month for a meal, a conversation and some laughter at a local restaurant.

Handmade Treasures From the Heart

Thursdays, 7 – 9 p.m.
Location: Room 102-103, Worship Center (LBF Church)

For those women who love to knit, crochet or create beautiful handmade treasures. Meets for fellowship, friendship, sewing, and prayer.

All materials are provided.

Secret Garden Support Group

The journey to marriage faithfulness and sexual integrity is not always easy and sometimes we can feel like we are alone. Join other women who have been impacted by their husband’s infidelity or pornography addiction issues in this confidential support group where you will find encouragement, hope and strength to keep going.

For further information about meeting times and locations please
contact Summer Brown (909) 727-2029

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Location:  Mont Vista 1

Studying “Finding God Faithful” a study of the life of Joseph by Kelly Minter.
Starts on September 18.

Meet Your Women’s Ministry Pastor

Summer Brown is passionate about gathering and connecting women and bringing them in unity to the feet of Jesus. Reach out, she’s happy to answer questions: [email protected]

Hello, I’m Summer!